Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Definition of Embarassing....

...when you surreptitiously slide a book of "explicit erotica for women" into the pile of books that you're purchasing for you kids and thinking that you've gotten away with it until you mistakenly hand said book to your daughter instead of the book you've purchased for her.

Good thing my kids are teens and have a sense of humour.

Though they are now sufficiently grossed out to need therapy for a good long while.


Callie said...

Oh - ouch!

Very embarassing, indeed.

But just think - in 20 years, it will be a running joke in the family.


duff said...

i wouldn't be worried about it...until she asks to borrow it. :)

Motherdear said...

Don't worry about the therapy, either. All kids need therapy (or burying in sand up to their necks until they're 18~)and it's always Mom's fault. You're just on track for 'normal'!!!

I think I'd have died, though...I see your point!!!!