Friday, October 9, 2009

What keeps me sane...

..this is an excerpt from an email between one of my brothers (B2) and I:

Me: Did you hear that I've got a new job starting in January?

B2: If you have the job of interviewing strippers at dance clubs, could I be your apprentice?

Me: You know what's funny? While high as a kite on painkillers last night, Mom asked me if I was the 'lady' from the 'That's why the lady is a tramp' song and now you think I should be interviewing strippers... I clearly need to rethink how I present myself.

Actually, I've been asked to join the faculty at ********** College. You may now call me 'Professor'. ;o)

B2: What are you teaching at ***********? "How to stay sane with an ex-husband, husband, teenage twins, a newborn and a dying mother?"

Me: No, that's going to be the book that gets me on Oprah.

B2: When the book gets made into a movie, who's going to play you (Ju.lia Ro.berts is too old now). And, more importantly, who's going to play me?

Me: I'm shooting for C.harlize Thero.n (a girl can dream). maybe To.m Han.ks for you?

B2: Gee, he's getting old and a bit heavy*. Dani.el Craig would be great....
P.S. - I often dream about Charlize Theron too.

P.P.S. - we could get the chick who plays Penn.y** on Big Bang Th.eory to do you if it's a comedy.

Me: K.... D.aniel Craig it is. .. and I'm pretty sure we're not dreaming the same things about Charlize. Think I can ger Ge.orge Lucas*** to play B1? Suggestions for Sis?

B2: Actually, Juli.a Rob.erts would be ok for Sis. G Lu.cas would be great for B1.

Me: So it's settled then! I feel much better. Now I just need to write the book...(and maybe figure out how to survive first)!

So it's true - I am going to be teaching at an Ontario College starting in the winter semester... I am really looking forward to it as it's WAY better than working retail!

Now I just have to find a wonderful person to watch Chip while I'm at school. I'm already having nightmares about this, so you can imagine this is not going to be an easy exercise.

I won't trust a face like this to just anyone, you know:

*Note: B2 just turned 50.

** B2 swears that Penny from the Big Bang is exactly like me in personality. Being a fan of the show, I have to admit he's right...even Mark says it's so. I was Penny about 20 years ago.

***My eldest brother, B1, is a dead ringer for G.eorge Lucas!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Still here

...just really busy. Mom's in palliative care and I've been going almost everyday to visit with her. Chip comes with me and is the beau of the entire hospital. All of the nurses and most of the patients know him by name.

Life right now is kind of on hold as my family and I spend as much time as we can with my Mom.

I will be back, but it will be a while.

In the meantime, here's some gorgeous nom-nom baby for you...