Friday, August 15, 2008


...the Chip off the Mossy Stone...the Sprog of Shagwell...

Our baby.


Larry said...

Is that a fish, swimming around inside your uteris, right by the baby's face?

Penny said...

Oh yah, that's what it is.

You've heard of Finding Nemo?

Well there here is, swimming in the veritable aquarium that is my womb.


Outburst said...

Next step will be kicks to your bladder while you're nowhere near a bathroom.
And I almost believed the ID info wasn't doctored for a moment... =D
Well done Mrs. Shagwell!

lowk said...

Wow! Maybe you should swallow a ball so the kid has something to bounce off the walls while he's in solitary.

Callie said...

It's already a cute little bugger, that's for sure.

And hey! It even LOOKS like a baby. You should be congratulated. Kidlet looked like a duck in her sonogram.

Kal said...

Looks like it's drinking a coke. Will we be treated to baby-belly montages, a la Dani? Or a birthing video?

(Actually been there, seen that. No real need to see it again. Particularly the part where the kid craps all over the scale. Lovely, circle of life and all that. Blaugh...)