Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thank you, Thank you Very Much..

Apparently Chip is due on Elvis' birthday, January 10th.

My chiro's assistant/receptionist -- who is a die-hard HUGE forever and ever Elvis groupie - informed me of this the other day.

I was slightly horrified as I missed the whole Elvis pandemonium and only think of this:

She was ecstatic because when she thinks of Elvis, she sees this:

She now calls me "Baby Elvis Mama".


I really hope the baby isn't born on its due date.


Dirty Gypsy said...

I am trying to figure out just what the hell that is in that person's hand in the front...a severed head?? An alarm clock wrapped in a turban?? A brick in a wig??


Someone please help...

Penny said...

A furry camera?

A purse in a wig?

A Tribble that was all dressed up with no place to go?

Larry said...

I'm stuck on a brick in a wig or a tribble that is all dressed up with nowhere to go.

My nickname in junior high and the beginning of highschool was Elvis. When I run into my P.E. teacher from that time period, he still calls me Elvis.

Mossy Stone said...

Okay, now I just gotta see a picture of Larry with big Elvis sideburns. Oh, and hair. Definitely gotta see Larry with hair.

Callie said...

I just want to see him in the jumpsuit.

Ooooh! If Chip IS born on E's b-day, I'll send him/her a white spangly jumpsuit to mark such a momentous occasion.


Penny said...

You know, I was going to wish Callie good luck in finding a spangly white jumpsuit for a baby...

..then I thought better of it. Because I am SURE they sell them at Graceland.


Larry said...

I'll check for Callie. I'll be at Graceland in a few weeks for a wedding. Maybe I'll wear my white spangled jumpsuit for that momentous occasion.

Motherdear said...

Trust me, as one with a grandson who has an Elvis fixation...you don't want to get him started on that! He WAS gorgeous in his youth, but geez, he sure bulked up when the good life took over. I do love some of his songs, but I can't bear to watch an Elvis movie, except for the one (Double Trouble) where he plays two roles - himself, and a lookalike cuzzin. The funniest line Elvis every spoke was in that movie, where the cuzzin looks at Elvis and says "Hey, you got my face!" His delivery was perfect. Very believable shoeless country boy. Too bad he died so young, on the can, hopped up on drugs. So much promise gone to waste.

Your Chipster will probably not be born on his due date, though, unless it's a planned delivery. In which case, you can ask for an earlier date! So odds of Chipster sharing Elvis BD are slim. Fear not. Although, if he's like his sister, he'll be able to sing!!! (Maybe make you rich, too - don't rule out that possibility!)

Motherdear said...

PS - I share a birthday with Ho Chi Minh, Malcolm X, Pete Townsend and Grace Jones. And I'm nothing like any of them!!!

Callie said...


Good post idea, Mom!
