Monday, July 7, 2008

Glad it's Monday

What a weekend. Mossy's post just doesn't sum up exactly how much work the damn front walk was...and I didn't even do a lot of it. But watching him made me glad Monday was coming up and he could get a break at work.

The poor guy worked his ass off while I spent a lot of time sitting in a chaise lounge in the shade watching.

Sometimes this pregnancy thing is great - other times, not so much.

I love helping with projects around the house. I have no problem with getting my hands dirty (guess I'm just a dirty girl at heart) and pitching in to do my share. It's awful being stuck on teh sidelines against your will.

There have been a couple of...complications during this pregnant and they have sidelined me for the near future. Everything seems to be okay now: Chip is very happily making my belly bigger by the day and squirming up a storm in there (which I'm *just* beginning to feel), but I'm limited in my abilities until the midwife says otherwise.

Can't lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk, can't raise my arms above my head for two long, can't exert myself or exercise, can't really houseclean (though I'm planning on some tomorrow because I can't stand the floor anymore) unless I take it really easy. The list is long.

Yeah, yeah, I know that it's for the right reasons and I follow doctor's orders. This baby is too important to take any chances, but gah!!!! It's so FRUSTRATING not to help.

Anyway, to get back on track, poor Mossy did 98% of the work this weekend and it was a long, hot and dirty job.

Though as he said (and I agreed), I'm doing something a bit more important right now.

However, I'm not sure I'm the superpower type. I hate the secrets and the fact that so much goes on where no one can see or appreciate. If I had a superhero style superpower, I think I'd be more of an Ironman admitting that he is a superhero than a Batman hiding behind a suit. I'm not exactly the surreptitious kind.

But I think you knew that.


Callie said...

Yay!!!! You're back!!!!!!!!!

You just take care of little Chip, okay? Enjoy the rest and relaxation while it lasts. Once Chip shows up, you're gonna be on call 24/7.

But, I'm sure you remember THAT!

PS - are you sure it's a Chip, and not a Pebbles??

Just askin . . .


As soon as I finish this comment, I'm gonna link you again. Woot!

Penny said...

Callie, we have NO idea what the baby is other than human....though in the last ultrasound it kinda looked like alien...

I actually call it Squirt. As in "Daddy's little Squirt". Heh. Cuz I saw that on a baby t-shirt and thought it was freakin' hysterical.

Larry said...

Looked alien, huh?

I always knew there was somethin weird about you Canadiens.

I'm sure the ol' man appreciates whatever effort you can muster whilst he slaves over the pavers. Even if it is lounging around, looking pretty and carrying his E.T. child.

lowk said...

I tried to grow people too but everytime I plant them nothing grows.